
Sorry, I guess this might be goodbye unless we get new authors.. D:

Monday, January 28, 2013

Rare Cowboy Hat

Meep Jammers!
Thank you for making me an admin, echid! :D
Well, today's new rare is the Rare Cowboy Hat!
Hmmm...not bad colours. Though with all this Hatapalooza stuff going on, couldn't AJHQ have bought a non-hatty item to stores? I thought everything hatty went to the hat shop now :p
Eeek!!!! Look at that pricing!! O.O I, for one, am certainly not buying that! My precious gems.... *sob* 
WHY can't AJ HQ make some non-member rares? And with a good price!
And either with bringing back old ones, or having totally new ones! This changed colour thing is starting to annoy me. In fact, this whole Monday Rare thing is starting to annoy me. Yesterday I recycle almost all of my RIM items :p If you didn't know, RIM items recycle for the amount you bought them for. Well, all items with the rare plaque on them do.
So I got a lot of gems! ^.^

Oh, and seeeing those tickets reminds me - shouldn't they have gone? Or are they just going to stay there for ever and ever? Until the Summer Carnival comes back, at least? I wish we could change them into gems though...
Well, bye for now!

P.S Here're some blogs I reccomend visiting!
Animal Jam Parade
Art, Wolves and Animal Jam
Animal Jam Echidnas
Anti Cruelty to Animals Society

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